TCIS Harlur,
Off- Sarjapur Road
Campus Tour
Principal Talk

Every child has a dream and a good education helps the child to realize the dream. Holistic learning helps the child on the road to self-discovery. The Cambridge International School, provides the right platform for children to pursue their dreams with freedom, enthusiasm and energy that is well channelized and successful.
To those who see with loving eyes, life is beautiful
To those who speak with tender voices, life is peaceful
To those who help with gentle hands, life is full
And to those who care with compassionate hearts, life is good beyond all measure!
We believe in a joyful experiential learning system wherein each child is encouraged to participate. At TCIS, we leave no stone unturned to offer multitudes of opportunities to our children; it is for them to make the most of it. Children should be motivated to grab every opportunity that comes their way which would not only help in their holistic growth but also strengthen their belief in collaboration, which is important in this fast paced world. They need to understand the importance of emotional balance, critical thinking, and most importantly accepting defeat graciously. It is our strife to endow them with all these qualities and more.
We believe in empowering our children in such a manner that they act as representatives of a meaningful and value-based society.
Our pedagogy which is holistic and comprehensive complements this. We have a fabulous faculty who display boundless energy and intense commitment which keeps the ethos of our school shining brightly and effectively.
There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots; the other, wings. One is offered by our parents and the other is offered by us. For us, each day that unfolds is a wonder and a miracle. When we see the children engaged in multi-skilled activities we often think,
‘Let us keep alive the child’s inborn sense of wonder, let us arouse their curiosity to discover the mystery of the world we live in.’
As they do, the experiences simultaneously fuel emotional, social, intellectual, physical, and ethical development.
We should enjoy this journey with our children, reliving and rediscovering the magic of learning!"
Champions @ TCIS Harlur

Gold in EISB Speed Skating

Gold in National Roller Skating Championship 2023-24

Runners Up in
Aurora Inter School Football
School Calendar

Events @ TCIS Harlur
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AY 2023-24: We are ecstatic to share the phenomenal achievements of our students in the recent JEE Main exam! Our pride, Agamjot Singh, dazzles with an extraordinary score of 99.89% leading the way as 17 of our students attained exceptional percentiles of 97% and above, joining the elite ranks of JEE toppers nationwide. Adding to our jubilation, 30% of our batch have secured spots in prestigious institutions like IITs, NIDs, IISERs, and BITS. This incredible success is a shining testament of the effective academic strategy at TCIS. We are bursting with pride as we watch our students spread their wings to become ‘Leaders of Tomorrow’! Kudos to our shining stars!
AY 2023-24: We are delighted to announce that our Grade 10 students have once again achieved phenomenal results! Their dedication, coupled with the relentless support of our committed teachers, has brought in a spectacular result. We are incredibly proud to celebrate Deetya Uttamchandani, our topper, with an outstanding 98.2%! The entire school shines brightly with a 100% pass result and more than 80% of our batch has secured distinctions. This remarkable achievement exemplifies the focus of academic spirit at TCIS. Let's cheer for the brilliant performance – Hearty Congratulations!
Academic Excellence (Grade 12 Results) AY 2023-24: We are overjoyed to share the outstanding results of our Grade 12 students! They have truly outdone themselves, achieving a perfect 100% pass result and securing centums in various subjects. Over 50 students from the batch have scored above 90%, and an impressive 85% of the batch have secured distinctions. These achievements highlight the exceptional academic prowess at TCIS. Congratulations to the entire batch of Grade 12 for their stupendous success!
New titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew titleNew …
Time travel is the hypothetical activity of traveling into the past or future. Time travel is a widely recognized concept in philosophy and fiction, particularly science fiction. Students at TCIS built the model of Time Machine under the guidance of their STEM mentors. The model was created by using machine learning & artificial intelligence. The model was placed at the entrance of the Social Studies fair. After the inauguration of the event, chief guests, Principal and Directors of TCIS were given a virtual tour of reality with 3D experience .
The Investiture Ceremony for the academic year 2023-2024 was held in TCIS on the 06 July 2023. To inculcate the leadership qualities in the students …
On 21st June, International Yoga Day is celebrated with much glory at TCIS. The primary objective of the International Day of Yoga is to raise …
9th Dec. 2023 - 'Imprints' unfolded the whimsical journey of Tiddler, captivating hearts with its tale of resilience in the face of climate change. The children's brilliant enactment left an indelible mark on our hearts and minds.

Academic Excellence (JEE Results)

Academic Excellence (Grade 10 Results)

Academic Execellence (Grade 12 Results)

Pre-Primary Annual Day

TCIS Presents Aurora 2024

Grandparents Day Celebration

Investiture Ceremony 2024

Knowledge Village

Pet-a-Palooza – Tails & Scales
08:00 AM
09:00 PM

Holiday Trip with Elementary Class
By Admin, on Nov 23th, 2020 | 1 days ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor dolore magna aliqua. ullamco voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu Continue Reading…
08:00 AM
09:00 PM

Holiday Trip with Elementary Class
By Admin, on Nov 23th, 2020 | 1 days ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor dolore magna aliqua. ullamco voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu Continue Reading…
Trending @ TCIS Harlur
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow

Our Location
- Survey No. 145/2, 100 Feet Road, Haralur, Off Sarjarpur Rd, Bangalore – 560068